March Madness (Excitement)

Preaching Sunday at Harvest Valley Church

As a college basketball fan, I love March Madness. My March has had a lot of excitement and as my kids would say, my travel has had its share of its own madness. Let’s start with the excitement: Athletes Chasing Greatness (or ACG) started March with a bang with our first ever ACG Board meeting where we talked about our core values, established a few strategic committees, and dreamed about where we want to go as a ministry to leave a legacy for generations to come. As I write this month's letter, my heart is so full of gratitude and excitement and let me say right out of the gate, we got to this place because of ministry partners like you who’ve kept believing in and sending me. I believe and know our greatest years are ahead. ”But just as it is written, “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man," all that God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Spring Break Training for the CTG Team in Denver

Earlier this month I was in Denver, Colorado leading and kicking off a Spring Break missions team from Kansas and Called To Greatness. 54 students and staff invaded Metro State University and the city of Denver, helping dear church planting friends of mine, David and Megan Hermes. It was beautiful seeing students boldly testifying what Jesus has done for them and seeing God moving on campus. The students ministered to a wide variety of college students encountering cult members, witches and many transgendered students throughout the week they were there. They brought such passion and energy to their mission!

Danielle and I also traveled with the Huntington men’s basketball team as they opened up the NAIA basketball tournament in Glendale, Arizona. After winning their opening round game handily, they were sent home from a potential trip to Kansas City and the NAIA Sweet 16 round after a heartbreaking loss late. What made this trip so special, even in defeat, was the time I got to spend with these young men at shoot arounds, on the van rides, and even late night ice cream trips. What most people from the outside didn’t know was that hey were playing short handed. Our leading scorer and one of our best players was suspended from the tournament for a bad choice he made the week before. I love and respect how coach Kory didn’t leave him behind, but had him right there with his guys. Once I heard the news from coach, I knew my assignment was to love on and minister to this kid.

Tip with Huntington Men's Hoops

I will never forget the moment I had with this player as we were at mid court the day before our

opening round game, we talked about our Baja trip and all the moments we had during the year, we shared tears together, and it was right there on the court where he was suspended that I asked him what was holding him back from surrendering his all to Christ and making Him Lord of his life. I said “you can do it right here, right now” and he said “let’s do it. I know Jesus can change me and will change me.” It was March 14th at 2:14pm at mid court where he prayed a prayer of surrender and where Jesus lifted the weight off his shoulders. Those moment never get old, but take me back to when Jesus captured my own heart on Feb 17, 1987 room 246 about 9:15pm. ”Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.“ (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Tip in the huddle on game day

Another thing I’ll cherish from that weekend was coaches post game goodbye, where he thanks the seniors, the walk ons, the manager, and all those that helped build the culture that made this year so special. It was then he opened it up for any who so desired to speak, guys simply told each other how thankful they were for one another and how much they loved each other. Many players referenced how our Baja team mission trip brought them together and had a lasting impact on their team and lives.

Thank you for continuing to send us and pray with me that the Lord would continue to give us more teams for more impact.


A True Champion